Several years ago, I came across Margaret Teller's obituary. It was an unexpected and delightful find. It was printed when the long S was in use. It was written when even the educated spelled words phonetically. It was written when widows were called "relics." I don’t know why, but...
Family Cemetery
Stoutenburgh Cemetery Guided Tour: Jacobus & Margaret Stoutenburgh
Many stones have suffered damage over the centuries as shown in our photograph of Plot 1, the site of our forefather, Jacobus Stoutenburgh, and his wife, Margaret Teller-Stoutenburgh.
Stoutenburgh Cemetery Guided Tour: John & Catherine Stoutenburgh
On the left as you come through the gate on the West Wall, you will find two more stones, those of John Stoutenburgh and jis wife Catherine.
Stoutenburgh Cemetery Guided Tour: Joseph Teel
There is a gravestone in the Stoutenburgh family cemetery in Hyde Park, New York that doesn’t seem to be a relative of that family. The deceased is Joseph Teel. So I began the quest to figure out who this person is and why he is buried in this cemetery....
Stoutenburgh Cemetery as Geocache Site!
This cache starts in Doty Park in honor of the Stoutenburgh family, "Founders" of Hyde Park. The goal of this placement is to make visitors aware of the early history of Hyde Park.
New Key Map to Cemetery Plot
Jacobus Stoutenburgh
The name of Jacobus Stoutenburgh appears on the tax list in 1741 when his Dutch manor-house of stone was completed.